FAYRES n stuff


so like my school had a summer fayre today and i wanna write about it.
this is my first entry in this format so it probably wont be perfect..
..and ill take like a year to finish it cuz ill die of cringe otherwise..
but pls enjoy it :3


im gonna go off on a tangent lol. get used to this :p
so like im taking the dog out on a quick walk and as i leave it starts raining..
but its so.. like.. surreal, yknow?
i mean just look at that.
it was that sorta rain that would soak you through, but idc.
all the colours of the sky just made everything feel sorta peaceful.
if i could relive this moment, i probably would. and id do a couple extra laps of the route aswell


its the school fayre. and its fuckin raining.
i turn up at like 11:30am. theres a few tombola stalls and some other activites.
i decide to just kinda start (failing at) being baller at football.
im not rlly that good at footba- HOLY SHIT JUDES HERE ALREADY???
he said he would come, but not this early.
anyway we end up sharing a hotdog between each other and we just kinda sit around for a bit.
there honestly isnt that much to do there, especially seeing that it was raining.

eventually we go have an extra look about, which is where we find wailord, who snuck out of the fayre area w/ toils.
basically only about 60% of the school is actually used for the fayre, while the remaining 40% is made inaccessible
...except it wasnt.
wailord takes us down into the computer room, where toils is also, where they've got the FUCKING WII U SET UP.
yea me and jude tried to play mariokart but we gave up after abt 10 mins lol. i do not forget my failures...
afterwards we end up finding a quiet area to sit down for abit.
jude gets ANOTHER hotdog, which is interesting seeing as hes vegetarian. (he said that eating human meat is ok tho)

we cuddled a little bit afterwards ^^

then jude had to go home cuz the fayres just not that fun :c
little did he know...